LaTeX templates — XeLaTeX


北京化工大学Beamer模板,适用于报告,答辩。改编自北京理工大学Beamer模板,并添加了一些使用说明和BibTeX。 Beamer template for Beijing University of Chemical Technology


hhuthesis 是 hohai university thesis LaTeX Template 的缩写。 此项目针对学位论文中存在的图表格式、公式格式、书写格式不规范等问题,提供了一个简单易用的河海大学学位论文LaTeX模板,该模板严格遵循河海大学学术委员会对学位论文的排版格式要求以及相应的国家标准规范。 感谢项目创作者,本项目主页地址为: 只为分享,如有侵权,请作者联系!

Metropolis theme ( variant with NCstate color and logos

A template for NCUT students

ModernFancyCV is a resume template for 2020 that aims to fulfill and surpass the expectations of any HR. All important information fits on a single page while maintaining clarity. It is aimed primarily at recent college grads, but everyone else can simply swap the "Education" and "Experience" sections and is ready to go. Of course I suggest you swap out the "Sports Teams" in the Bubble-graphic for something more skills-oriented like "Programming Languages" or "Software". It´s totally up to you. Unfortunately, poor Doug can't code...

Beijing Institute of Technology Proposal Report for Bachelor Graduation Thesis. Source available at:

LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 国科大学位论文 LaTeX 模板
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