Skeleton for a a paper in an edited volume for Language Science Press. The file main.tex can be transferred straight to the folder chapters/ of a skeleton for edited volumes after completion.
CSUThesis Latex 模板
本模板是中南大学论文 Latex 模板 CSUThesis,即 Central South University Thesis LaTeX Template.
学校的指导文件仅提供大致的格式描述与 word 示例,并没有提供官方的 LaTeX 模板,本项目意在维护一个学位论文的非官方标准(De facto standard),创建符合指导文件要求的 LaTeX 模板,主要由csu-disc0ver成员维护,原始仓库地址:
Unofficial Yonsei Thesis/Dissertation Template
I will not be responsible for any consequences and losses caused by the use of this template.
Use XeLaTeX instead of pdfLaTex or LuaLaTeX!
I heard that more people than I expected have been using it. Thank you to those who have used it even though the template is unofficial. Also, I fixed some bugs of the template. If you have any issues, please report them in the GitHub issue above.
This is a very unofficial and primitive template for typesetting dissertations, as outlined by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Freiburg i.Br., Germany. This example does not provide a finished or fully developed dissertation template - not in any way! In fact, its mere purpose is to lay some rudimentary foundations for further modifications! (compiler: XeLaTeX, preferably)