LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Example Dissertation for Florida Tech

Arquivo principal para: teses de doutorado dissertações de mestrado exames de qualificação de mestrado e doutorado NOTA: A PUBLICAÇÃO DESTE MODELO VISA APENAS ORIENTAR OS PÓS-GRADUANDOS NA PREPARAÇÃO DE SEUS TEXTOS. O PPgEE DA UFRN NÃO PROVÊ ASSISTÊNCIA NO USO DAS FERRAMENTAS NECESSÁRIAS AO USO DESTE MODELO (LATEX, XFIG, ETC.) Adelardo Medeiros, dezembro de 2005. Revisado pelos alunos de Metodologia da Pesquisa Científica de 2016.1.

Simple dissertation template for CTU FEE¨ original location

thesis.tex 2016/09/16 Based on sample files of unknown authorship. Based on sample files of Paul Vojta. Adapted By Ian Pollock, CSU East Bay Click on the project link in the top left corner to see all the files of this template

Scriptie voorgelegd tot het behalen van de graad van Burgerlijk Ingenieur in de Computerwetenschappen: Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie, juni 2006 (Downloaded from LaTeX templates en logo's)

The package provides a LaTeX document class for writing a PhD thesis. The author developed it while writing his PhD thesis in School of Computing (SoC), National University of Singapore (NUS). By default, the class adheres to the NUS Guidelines on Format of Research Thesis Submitted For Examination. However, the class for conformation to a different guideline should not be difficult. For help and advice, the best place to raise an issue is on the package's Github repository. Alternatively, you can use the comment form on the author's page. License: SPhdThesis is released under public domain. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it as you wish.

Modelo Canônico de Dissertação - ICEI PUC Minas Publicado pelo ICEI para alunos da Instituição

This Project posits elementary analogies of existing Probabilistic and Machine Learning models that have been used to find solutions to the problem of the Structural Segmentation of Musical audio. I have tried to use the idea that the chord of a given beat or frame of a song is an analogous representation of the states generated by trained Hidden Markov Models in generating feature vectors for the aforementioned problem; and that the knowledge of the temporal boundaries within which, a group of frames lie, can be used as constraints in creating the feature vectors that are eventually clustered to identify the pattern in which the various segments of a song repeat.

Latex template for dissertations in Técnico Lisboa (engineering school in Portugal)
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