LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Implements requirements from the dissertation manual.

This is the official bachelor thesis template provided and maintained by the School of Computer Science and Information Technology of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU-I). This template complies with formal requirements and style guidelines for the bachelor thesis provided by the department and supports the languages English and German. Official guidelines can be found on complesis:

Updated 14/03/2025: - Downgraded texlive version to 2021 and acro package version to v2 to reduce compile time. Updated 21/02/2025: - Meets latest GRS requirements - Added backref & ref check packages. Backref may need to be disabled prior to submission to meet GRS requirements. Updated 07/07/2024: - Changed title page to meet GRS requirements - Changed TOC to include subsubsections Updated: 20/09/2022 - Fixed some error messages, suppressed some warnings. Updated: 10/03/2022 - Changed acronym package to acro package This thesis is based on the classic thesis template made by André Miede, which was modified in turn by Matthias Langer to fit La Trobe's guidelines are they don't provide a template. I modified it slightly further to change to margins to fit the department of physics requirements, in addition to changing the language to Australian and adding a page for acronyms. I've since added plotting examples using python. This is released under the GNU General Public License v2.0. I

This thesis template is designed for students of the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague. It ensures proper formatting and supports export to PDF/A-2u. More information available at:

Tato šablona závěrečné práce je určena pro studenty Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy. Zajišťuje správné formátování a podporuje export do PDF/A-2u. Více informací na:

This Overleaf template provides a structured and elegant format for writing a thesis at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. It includes three versions: Italian Thesis Template English Thesis Template Double Degree Thesis Template Features: Official formatting guidelines (see link below) Predefined sections for title page, chapters, and bibliography Compatibility with both LaTeX PDF output and Overleaf collaboration tools Easy customization for personal preferences and department-specific requirements (Official formatting guideline:,Veste%20grafica,-Il%20frontespizio%20deve)

Based on formatting guidelines and .doc template (in Chinese): Github:

This template was initially created to facilitate drafting the B.Sc. Eng. thesis or project on LaTeX for the next generations of KUET by Md Abrar Jahin (1811035). Recognizing the importance of open collaboration and the need for an alternative to the traditional B.Sc. thesis template available only in MS Word format, this initiative was taken voluntarily by Md Abrar Jahin. The modifications made by Md Abrar Jahin is hereby released under an open-source license to conserve the principles of collaboration and knowledge sharing in the academic community.

This document contains the template for scientific work (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral Theses) at the CoDiS Lab Graz from Graz University of Technology. Feel free to use and modify the template. This template is based on the great work of Karl Voit.
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