The style file beamerthemeut.sty provides a theme for LaTeX Beamer and can be used to create presentation slides in the UT corporate style (huisstijl). It requires the file beamerthemeutresources.pdf.
Both are included in this example, which can be opened in Overleaf by clicking the 'Open as Template' button above
This is an initial version of this style that will need improvements. Comments and/or suggestions are highly appreciated. For more information please see
Volba vzhledu prezentace.
Pro další možnosti, barevná schémata a použité fonty, navštivte:
This is a basic LaTeX Beamer template that I customised to have the logo of ICL and a background picture. Mind that this is NOT an official ICL template but it may still be useful for informal presentations.
The official ICL graphical identity resources can be found here.
Please drop me an e-mail or comment via Twitter @AJunyentFerre if you found this was useful or have any suggestion to improve it.
Beamer Template using Lehigh University color schema. Inspiration from Not endorsed by Lehigh University.