LaTeX templates — Beamer

Copyright 2011 by Keck-Voon LING <> (1 Feb 2011) A stripped-down theme for beamer, for an "imperfect" clone of the NTU PowerPoint template. Downloaded from Revision history: v1.0: 2010/01/24, Initial creation

Modelo de apresentação - Estilo UFRN

This is the Beamer template made for the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), located in Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. Background images are courtesy of Center of Academic Development (CAD) office of UTHM. The theme files are also available from Github.

This is the beamerposter theme I hacked together for my poster presentation – enjoy! Possible paper sizes: a0, a0b, a1, a2, a3, a4. Possible orientations: portrait, landscape Font sizes can be changed using the scale option. Three colour themes available (you create your own!)

This is the beamerposter theme I hacked together for my poster presentation – enjoy! Possible paper sizes: a0, a0b, a1, a2, a3, a4. Possible orientations: portrait, landscape Font sizes can be changed using the scale option. Three colour themes available (you create your own!)

This template has been adapted from Lim Lian Tze's version Universidade da Coruña. 2016 Marcos Horro Varela

The wuerzburg outer theme, chamfered inner theme and shark colour theme for beamer are created by Christian Gogolin.

This DarkConsole beamer theme and template was created by Kazuki Maeda <> for Japanese presentations, but can be used for English (or other European languages) presentations as well. It has been modified to work with XeLaTeX.

Presento is a clean, simple and extensible template for presentations — supported by XeTeX and Beamer. This template has been adapted from the original version for Overleaf. For usage instructions please see either the source on Github or the README file accessible within the template.
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