LaTeX templates and examples — University

KTH Licentiate Thesis Template

Overleaf template of warwickthesis.tex made by S. Royle warwickthesis.tex modified by M Hadley from utthesis.doc Sept 96 Significant changes were made in 2009, first to work seemlessly with pdflatex and secondly to use the setspace package to control linespacing - removing some incompatibilities that existed before. any comments or problems - contact me File: utthesis.doc, version 2.0, January 1995 Copyright (c) 1995 by Dinesh Das. All rights reserved.

Lab Report

Aalto University bachelor's, master's and licentiate thesis template, as retrieved on 30 May 2017 with minor modifications to the English latex file for compilation. Select either Finnish or English `.tex' file as main file and add in your content. Submitted after a written agreement with the current maintainer of the original files. COPYRIGHT 2015, by Luis R.J. Costa, Swedish translations (2014) by Elisabeth Nyberg, and Henrik Wallén, changes by Perttu Puska URL: Aalto logo package is used under terms of Creative Commons Attribution No-Derivative license. The attribution details are as follows: Copyright: Aalto University Marketing and Communications visu(a) Created and maintained by: Tapani Pihlajamäki and Jussi Pekonen Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics Aalto University School of Science and Technology Maintained (2017-) by: Martin Vermeer Department of the Built Environment Aalto University School of Engineering URL:

Plantilla para la confección de Informes de Laboratorio en la Universidad Autónoma de Chile

HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE Read this before you start work on formating your thesis using Latex. Latex is the easiest way to format a thesis according to the NITT Guidelines. Latex takes care off tables, figures, chapters, sections and subsections and basically everything you need to keep track off. It will auto populate entries into the table of contents which is pretty useful and time-saving. This template was prepared assuming zero prior knowledge of Latex. THIS TEMPLATE WAS MADE FOR USE BY BTECH STUDENTS AND FOLLOWS THE THESIS GUIDELINES FOR BTECH STUDENTS Wherever possible, I have included examples and notes on how to modify the document to suit your needs. If your new to Latex, I would recommend not diverging from the instructions as you may end up with buggy sections. I'll be using the notation where my comments explaining usage will be followed by a section of the code where you will find{BLOCK LETTERS}. This indicates that you have to modify only what's inside the curly braces.

This is the new version of Caltech Beamer Template. The old version used the Caltech Seal, which was not permitted for non-official use any more.

A template made for the University of Michigan - Flint Math department.

Template for students in physics at Reykjavik University.
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