LaTeX templates and examples — University

Version 2.0.1 por Msc. Ing. Sergio Ramón Toledo Gallardo del 10 de junio de 2015 La compilación debe realizarse utilizando el comando pdflatex o pdflatexmk (para Mac) Los programas necesarios son Miktex 2.9 (distribución latex) y algún procesador como el texmaks o texniccenter Para texnicCenter Usar makeindex y habilitar usar bibtex Al imprimir el PDF se debe seleccionar tamaño real y Elegir origen por tamaño de pagina PDF para respetar los margenes requeridos Las figuras deben cargarse en la carpeta "imagenes" en formato pdf para optimizar la velocidad de compilación, sin embargo también se permiten formatos jpg y eps. Las referencia bibliográficas se cargan en el archivo fiuna.bib

Short Sectioned Assignment LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (5/5/12) This template has been downloaded from: Original author: Frits Wenneker ( License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (

The idea behind Quiz Challenger was to create knowledgeable environment in which user can share and enhance knowledge by giving and accepting challenge. The Quiz challenger is developed on JavaScript used for front-end and node JS used for back-end development. To dealt with database we use MongoDB.

Incluye referencias con el estilo de la IEEE, índice y anexos.

Multi-column LaTeX poster template for colleges using the beamerposter package. Designed for Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (Senac).

This is the english bachelor thesis template for University of Applied Sciences Salzburg.

Comparison of three data providers.

This is the template used by authors of papers for Sociedade Brasileira de Computação SBC conferences, and also in many university courses, for instance for students in the computer science department at UFPA (University Federal of Pará). Simply click the image above to start editing online instantly. Below are the instructions for use from the template: This meta-paper describes the style to be used in articles and short papers for SBC conferences. For papers in English, you should add just an abstract while for the papers in Portuguese, we also ask for an abstract in Portuguese (``resumo''). In both cases, abstracts should not have more than 10 lines and must be in the first page of the paper. Este meta-artigo descreve o estilo a ser usado na confecção de artigos e resumos de artigos para publicação nos anais das conferências organizadas pela SBC. É solicitada a escrita de resumo e abstract apenas para os artigos escritos em português. Artigos em inglês deverão apresentar apenas abstract. Nos dois casos, o autor deve tomar cuidado para que o resumo (e o abstract) não ultrapassem 10 linhas cada, sendo que ambos devem estar na primeira página do artigo. PS: If you're new to LaTeX, we recommend starting with our free online LaTeX course as an introduction.

LaTeX template for minor and major project report, complying to the specifications provided by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE Thapathali Campus.
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