This template does not comply with the design manual at the University of Oslo from 2022.
Beamer theme for the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo.
This theme uses the aspect ratio 16:9, which fills out more of the computer screen than the standard 4:3 ratio. It is intended for digital lectures, rather than canvas presentations.
University of Southampton PHD Thesis LaTeX Template
The most recent version of this template and other Southampton LaTeX templates are maintained at
A LaTeX template for dissertations/theses that follows the Rackham Graduate School's formatting guidelines as specified here:
For a full list of contributors and to learn how to help make the template better for everyone, head over to our repository on GitHub:
Good luck with dissertating! You're almost there!
Se presenta el 2º Formato de Tesis para la obtención del título profesional en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables (FACEAC) - Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (Perú).
Espero que resulte del agrado de la comunidad universitaria y el público en general.
Short article template for the SPGD - Simpósio de Pós-Graduação em Design da ESDI. The symposium organized by the Postgraduate Design Program - PPDESDI of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ
Plantilla de Tesis de la Maestría en Negocios y Tecnología (MBT) . Posgrado autorizado por CONEAU y conforme a las recomendaciones del MOT (Master Of Technology) A BODY OF KNOWLEDGE FOR MANAGEMENT OF
Rias J van Wyk EU Standard