LaTeX templates and examples — University


Official Thesis/Dissertation (Major, Minor, etc.) LaTeX template for all students (BS-MS/MSc/PhD/IPhD) of all backgrounds (PCMB) under Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram. Regularly updated. Direct all queries and suggestions to :

Esta es la plantilla usada en el grupo de investigación GAMOSINOS de la ETSIAE como material docente para la realización de trabajos fin de grado y de máster. Está realizada como evolución de ociamthesis para implementar los algoritmos, códigos y gráficos necesarios en el trabajo del grupo de investigación. También está incluida una plantilla para la realización de gráficas.

This repository contains a LaTeX template intended to conform to the National University of Singapore's (NUS) stylesheet as documented in General Guidelines on Format of Research Thesis Submitted For Examination (RO.1042/03). Dissertators should be sure to consult the latest version of RO.1042/03 (available here) for additional details and information. This template was used for a dissertation accepted for final submission by the National University of Singapore and King's College London Joint Degree Programme (JDP) as is. The author makes no guarantees that the template will conform to future requirements or other departments. Please feel free to submit improvements to the original Github repository here: Beyond specific NUS requirements, the stylistic conventions adopted by this template represent the author's preference. The repository itself may be used as a template from which to structure one's own dissertation project. This template is designed to be used with the XeLaTeX package.

Thesis Template for the SSE Group at TU Dortmund. You can use this template for your own thesis. Customization The main document is the thesis.tex file which you need to customize for your thesis project. Line 6 contains the link to our document class and needs to be adapted to your particular project. german for a thesis in German english for a thesis in English ba for a Bachelor thesis ma for a Master thesis In the section of line 8 and following you can add any LaTeX package you additionally require for your thesis. The list of packages already included through the template is: blindtext, graphicx, url, geometry, xifthen, wrapfig, textpos, babel, multicol, natbib, xcolor. Feel free to add packages as needed, but do not change the fonts or font sizes or page geometry. Also the packages must be compatible with XeTeX. You can set the title of your thesis in line 12 and your name in line 15. Set the correct supervisors in line 18 and 19. Now you are ready to add you content, such as the abstract in English (in case you write your thesis in English) and German (in any case needed). We suggest to structure your chapters into individual files and include them, but feel free to structure differently.

Template for a report, thesis, P&O, .. Contains the most important packages including clickable headers.

This Project was developed using Overleaf(, an online LaTeX editor that allows real-time collaboration and online compiling of projects to PDF format. Project Structure: appendix: Contains “appendix.txt” files. bibliography: Contains “references.bib” file. chapters: Contains “chapter.txt” files. For every chapter, create separate “chapter.txt” files. core: This folder will contain following files: declaration.txt approval.txt ethics_statement.txt abstract.txt dedication.txt acknowledgement.txt titlepage.txt images: Contains all images files. main.txt This is the main.txt file. All the packages and environment variables are declared in main.txt. All others .txt files are referred to from this file. If you have any questions or concerns about the latex template, please feel free to contact us directly. Binding Please check acceptable binding preference as follows Undergraduate Thesis: Hard Cover shall be in Black with Gold lettering Undergraduate Report: Spiral Binding Masters Thesis: Hard Cover shall be in Blue with Gold lettering How to Cite / Reference? Please check the Style Guides & Citation Builders for details on APA, MLA, IEEE, and Chicago styles. Where do I Look for Resources? Visit the library Resources page. You can check the Subject Guide page, which is designed to help you find information and access materials relevant to your department. Where do I Look for Previous Thesis & Reports? Find previous thesis, dissertation, and internship reports at Need help? Need help to get started with your research, send an email to

Este modelo foi desenvolvido para realizar o relatório da disciplina de Estudo Dirigido do programa de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia da Informação da (Universidade Federal do ABC). No entanto, pode ser utilizado para qualquer tipo de documento mais simples que precisem seguir as normas da instituição. O modelo foi baseado no guia de normalização da UFABC. As referências estão na norma ABNT usando citação por colchetes, mas isto pode ser alterado no arquivo de estilo.

A Template for Fudan FPGA Homework, especially for VHDL.
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