LaTeX template for the CFM 2017 article submission
Instructions: Comments in the file below indicate where the
following steps have to be performed.
Step 1: Enter abstract title.
Step 2: Enter author information.
Step 3: Enter key words.
Step 4: Enter main text of abstract.
Step 5: Enter references, e.g. using a simple list.
Arquivo que representa um modelo de relatório em LaTeX, desenvolvido para ser utilizados nas disciplinas de laboratório no Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Automação Industrial.
This template describes guidelines for writing technical reports for SIG-MR, VRSJ. Detailed instructions on font size and styles of all elements in the paper, including headers and footnotes, paper title and authors, section and subsection headings, and reference list. Some specific notes for respectively review and final papers are also stated. All papers submitted for SIG-MR workshops are expected to follow these guidelines: it is very important for the aesthetic consistency of papers through a volume that each author strictly follows the guidelines. This document also serves as a sample document that provides authors a concrete appearance of formatted pages.