LaTeX templates — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Template for PhD Dissertations. Released Fall Semester 2016 by University of Texas San Antonio Graduate School. I did not write the code. The author, Weining Zhang, uses his name in the template. I am responsible for publishing it to Overleaf.

Modelo de monografia para o DECOM - UFOP no curso de Ciência da Computação

The style of bibliography exemplified here is the "plain", normally used in science theses. This is shown by the entry {plain} below. Substitute the appropriate bibliography style. See also the PDF file "InformationOnBibliographyStyles" in this directory for more choices.

Template for University of Victoria (UVic) LaTeX thesis template, downloaded from here on 31 Jan. 2016.

LaTeX thesis template as downloaded from This template contains a small fix to avoid an error message about \ifpdf.

Modelo de Dissertação em Latex para o PPG em Engenharia Mecânica da UERJ Este modelo foi adaptado da versão disponibilizada no site da Engenharia Elétrica da UERJ

Author: Surya Kiran Akkaladevi Wright State University Thesis Report Format for Wright State Students. Dedicated to my advisor Dr. Henry Chen and all student researchers of Wright State

Version 2.0.1 por Msc. Ing. Sergio Ramón Toledo Gallardo del 10 de junio de 2015 La compilación debe realizarse utilizando el comando pdflatex o pdflatexmk (para Mac) Los programas necesarios son Miktex 2.9 (distribución latex) y algún procesador como el texmaks o texniccenter Para texnicCenter Usar makeindex y habilitar usar bibtex Al imprimir el PDF se debe seleccionar tamaño real y Elegir origen por tamaño de pagina PDF para respetar los margenes requeridos Las figuras deben cargarse en la carpeta "imagenes" en formato pdf para optimizar la velocidad de compilación, sin embargo también se permiten formatos jpg y eps. Las referencia bibliográficas se cargan en el archivo fiuna.bib

Incluye referencias con el estilo de la IEEE, índice y anexos.
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