LaTeX templates — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Modelo para Teses e Dissertações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemas e Computação do Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Patrón LaTeX no oficial para las tesis de los alumnos de la Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología - UTEC, Peru.

PhD thesis template for the Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). The estiloUBI.cls was written by volunteers of the UBI. The template is available in the UBI website. The template allowing to chose the language (English/Portuguese). The thesis template for the writing in LaTeX in the Universidade da Beira Interior, following the principal order nº 49 / R / 2010 Version 2.2 - 2016/06/01 For more information please view the ReadMe file.

Student guideline for the final year dissertation using LaTeX2e Alexandra Bonnici Department of Systems and Control Faculty of Engineering University of Malta 13th September 2017

Vorlage zur Erstellung einer Monographie/Dissertation Compiler: PdfLaTeX & BibTeX APA Literaturverzeichnis

Plantilla que contiene el formato y estilo necesarios en la edición de un manual para la Universidad de Cádiz

Author: John Liaperdos ( Last update: April 28, 2015 Description: Provides an example of a PhD Thesis for Universidad de Antioquia using the teipel-thesis-en pdfLaTeX class. Character encoding: UTF-8 use the "modern" or "classic" option to switch between a modern or classic font, respectively. add/remove the "hyperref" option to enable/disable hyperlinks: (remember to remove auxiliary files after adding/removing the "hyperref" option). add/remove the "printer" option to typeset a printer-friendly (grayscale)/color version of the thesis. use the "watermark" option to indicate a draft copy of the thesis use the "histinit" option to enable "historiated initials". (If used, all chapter initials declared by the \InitialCharacter{} macro are enlarged. If ommitted, arguments of \InitialCharacter{} are typeset as normal text.) use the "plain" option to disable tikz graphics in title page and part/chapter headers (might help to avoid compilation timeouts). Note that "plain" disables CD label and CD cover creation. use the "noindex" option to (hopefully) avoid compilation timeouts when compiling online (disables index generation - note that "\indexGR", "\index" invocations need not be removed when toggling this option). use the "frontispiece" option to typeset a frontispiece at the back of the cover page use the `letter' option for a US letter page layout, instead of A4 \documentclass[modern,hyperref,watermark,histinit,frontispiece,plain]{teipel-thesis-en}

[normas-utf-tex v3.2] Template oficial das normas da UTFPR. Mais informações e download para versão desktop acesse

Template adaptado para Projeto Final de Curso feito pelo Colegiado de Engenharia de Controle e Automação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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