LaTeX templates — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

uumthesis is a LaTeX class for typesetting a Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) postgraduate research thesis. Copyright (C) 2010--2014 Lim Lian Tze Files: uumuthesis.cls LaTeX class file uumthesis-manual.pdf A quick user guide thesis.tex Example 'main' thesis .tex file *.tex Other component .tex files (chapters etc) myrefs.bib Sample BibTeX bibliography database file README Readme file E-Mail: Website: This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) as published by the LaTeX3 Project; either version 1.3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Template for a monograph submitted as a PhD thesis at the University of Bergen, Norway. Not for an article-based thesis.

Unofficial beamer template for typesetting diploma thesis presentations - Department of Computer Engineering , Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese, Greece. Based one the "beamer-greek-two" template provided by the Laboratory of Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Software and Digital Typography, Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean. For an English version of this template see here.

The official masters and PhD thesis template for UNAL from the library. Retrieved 22 Oct 2014.

Maturaarbeit Template for Matura Thesis reports at Kantonsschule Wattwil, St. Gallen, Switzerland Version 1.9

Open source (MIT-licensed) PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED). The source code is available on github. This is version 2.3.1, released 24 May 2017. For more information please view the author's ReadMe file.

Tesis para maestría y doctorado. Tomado de

A thesis template using the memoir class, which is mainly based on book class, but it's intended to look fancier and, above all, to get more control on environments as Figures, Tables, etc.. The template was designed to follow the University of Bristol thesis guidelines.

Plantilla para portada de tesis de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Puede ser usada para cualquier carrera y facultad solo es necesario cambiar la imagen de la facultad y los datos.
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