LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Sprawozdanie Uniwersytet Wrocławski - wzór .pdf I pracowni fizycznej przełożony na .tex

A latex template of the PRISMA 2020 Checklist, available as a pdf or word document here:

This template describes guidelines for writing technical reports for SIG-MR, VRSJ. Detailed instructions on font size and styles of all elements in the paper, including headers and footnotes, paper title and authors, section and subsection headings, and reference list. Some specific notes for respectively review and final papers are also stated. All papers submitted for SIG-MR workshops are expected to follow these guidelines: it is very important for the aesthetic consistency of papers through a volume that each author strictly follows the guidelines. This document also serves as a sample document that provides authors a concrete appearance of formatted pages.

This is a template adhering to the format provided by the university for major project report submission for 4-year students

Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Progress Report Template for Scientific Research Projects version 2.0

山中 卓 (大阪大学 大学院理学研究科 物理学専攻)先生が作成された科研費LaTeXを、坂東 慶太 (名古屋学院大学) が了承を得てテンプレート登録しています。 詳細はこちら↓をご確認ください。

This is a template for a paper or report.

This is a template for writing a paper or a report with text over 2 columns.

Official template for the submission of an abstract for a talk or a poster to the 28th Annual Meeting of the RSSB.
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