The package provides a LaTeX document class for writing a PhD thesis. The author developed it while writing his PhD thesis in School of Computing (SoC), National University of Singapore (NUS). By default, the class adheres to the NUS Guidelines on Format of Research Thesis Submitted For Examination. However, the class for conformation to a different guideline should not be difficult.
For help and advice, the best place to raise an issue is on the package's Github repository. Alternatively, you can use the comment form on the author's page.
License: SPhdThesis is released under public domain. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it as you wish.
I adapted the Jacobs Landscape Poster LaTeX Template created by the Computational Physics and Biophysics Group at Jacobs University
to have a simple, classic LaTeX look, and included colours specified by the Dalhousie brand guide.
The original template I had built upon is also on the Overleaf Gallery with the heading "Unnecessarily Complicated Research title.
Created by: Computational Physics and Biophysics Group at Jacobs University
Further modified by:
Nathaniel Johnston (
Modified further still by:
Abraham Nunes (nunes <at> dal <dot> ca)
Plantilla para Tesis de pregrado de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), siguiendo los parámetros definidos por la Manual de Normalización para Tesis
En la página se encuentra el detalle de este template.
Para más detalles sobre la estructura, paquetes empleados y sus autores visitar
A rough template of a thesis in humanities, theology, law etc. in Åbo Akademi.
Please, let me know if this template has something that should be fixed.
This template is necessary to generate a properly set up document for your master thesis in fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science in Intelligent Systems at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey.
Carl W. Handlin, Luis Fernandez Carrasco, José Ortiz Bayliss
This file implements a poster template for the 2014 Radboud
University corporate style.
For comments, questions, and suggestions contact me at
You can distribute and edit the files as you wish, but I'd
love to hear of any changes. Also, if you let me know that
you are using the template, I can keep you up-to-date on
future changes.