Modelo de Ficha para Acompanhamento de Reuniões entre Orientador e Orientado para a disciplina FACOM31703 – Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso I criado por Thiago Pirola Ribeiro.
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
Faculdade de Computação - FACOM
Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação - Campus Monte Carmelo.
Modelo de Relatório de Atividades para a disciplina GSI524 - Redes de Computadores criado por Thiago Pirola Ribeiro.
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
Faculdade de Computação - FACOM
Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação - Campus Monte Carmelo.
Comprovativo de Doação Voluntária UTF
Template implementado por Francisco Reinaldo
Agradecimentos a Overleaf pela oportunidade
Curso de Licenciatura em Informática - Francisco Beltrão/PR
Atividades complementares
This document has been prepared to serve as a template for preparation of a master’s or Ph.D. thesis in mathematics at New Mexico State University.
It contains the same files found at
Write the body of your thesis, using any style you wish. Open the file thesisbody.tex, delete any text you find, except for the grey boxes right before the sample references. Then locate the file for your thesis. Then save the file. Next, edit the files title-sw.tex, approval-sw.tex, dedica-sw.tex, ackno-sw.tex, vita-sw.tex, and abstract-sw.tex, by putting in the appropriate data. Make sure you do not delete any of the blank spaces or other formatting commands. If you typed an abstract, open the file abstract-sw.tex, place the cursor immediately before the first line of the abstract itself (which starts Type your abstract here), click on file, then import contents, and enter the name of your abstract file. Finally, delete the existing line starting with "Type your abstract here", and then save.
The files for this template were prepared by Pat Morandi and Ross Staffeldt and minor fine tuning to work on Overleaf by Omotayo Abdul-Hakeem.
Omotayo Abdul-Hakeem (original files prepared by Pat Morandi and Ross Staffeldt)